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Door leaves of this series are glazed, deaf or combined. Panels and glass are separated by the diametrical elements with the cross-section 80*39mm. Door carcass can be executed either in rectangular profile, or in the oval. The number of panels may vary from 1 to 5. There is a combined model with the presence of glass and panels at the same time.

Door leaves of this series are combined that is glass and panels are used at the same time. There are no vertical and diametrical joining elements in this series. They are creating unified surface. Upper and lower door partitions can be either rectangular or conic.

The unique feature of this series is the presence of horizontal cross-sections consisting of two profile bars (50 x 39mm), between which lies a narrow glass.

Door leaves of this series may be either glazed or deaf. Each model consists of upright/bottom profile of smaller cone with the size of 90*38mm. Panels and glasses are divided by the wave like diagonal elements. Depending on the model doors are assembled utilizing glass and panels of 6mm and 10mm.

Door leaves of this series are available with 6mm glass and detail cross-section of 110*39mm. In the models 2,5,7,9 are used figure panels. This series is characterized by inner decorative faзade that creates smooth transition between upright/diametrical profiles and glass/panels.

Door leaves of this series successfully combine style and contemporary design. The inner side of the door is made with a smaller cone with 90*38mm and cross-section 50*39mm. As for decorative element is used complicated wavy profile wrapped with eco-veneer.

The most prominent quality of this series is inner upright/cross-section that is produced in the shape of a big cone 175*38mm and 10mm panels. As a dйcor is used horizontal/vertical cross bar with molding imitating metal.

In the production of this series is used high quality glass triplex 8mm . The details of these models have radial section 130*44mm.

Двери данной серии имеют вертикальные филенки и стекла толщиной 6мм. Разделены филенки между собой одной или двумя вертикальными деталями. Сечение вертикальных деталей 110*34мм, 80*34мм или 50*34мм. Все стоевые элементы могут быть изготовлены в прямоугольном или овальном профилях. Общее количество филенок, стекол в полотне этой серии составляет 2 или 3 штуки. Представлены комбинированные модели.

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